


撰稿人 Angelo Martins


在 1574 (返佣汇商) 中排名 97
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位置: 法国
Exante stole all my money! I have been their client since 2019. In April 2024 there was an accident in my family my father has an Oncological disease and I tried to Withdraw my money for his treatment, At first I was informed that they do not withdraw money in my bank. I tried to transfer my srocks to another broker. l gave an order to transfer my stocks to another broker but after a long delay in the transfer procedure by Exante, they told me, that I can't allowed to do this, according their internal restricts. I asked them to show this internal restricts, but they couldn't do it. I wrote a letter to ceo Exante Aleksei Kirienko, complaint team, support team and personal manager and explained, that I need money for father's treatment and sent them all documents with diagnosis. They offered me to transfer my money to their account in Honk Kong. I opend the account in Honk Kong and they transfered money to this residence. Afrer it I tried to Withdraw my mone to my bank account, but money returned to my account in Exante Honk Kong. I asked them to show me swift document, but they amswered, that their bank can't provide Swift document, but it is the absurdity!!! I wrote the complience to complience department and CEO Dmitry Kirienko once again after it my money went missing from my account. My personal manager Sergei Krasikov told me, that they tried to transfer money to my bank account once again. After 3 weeks I don't have money in my bank account and I don't have money in my Exante account I wrote email to personal manager about actual status of my money, but there were no answer from him. Exante lies me every day!!! Three months I can't withdraw my money! They spoke with me only through the prrsonal manager, but he is not telling me the truth! I càn't receive any official answer from Exante team! Now I'm writing a claim to regulator!

Exante 偷走了我所有的钱!我从 2019 年开始就是他们的客户。2024 年 4 月,我家发生了一场意外,我父亲患了肿瘤病,我试图取钱为他治病,起初我被告知他们不能从我的银行取钱。我试图将我的股票转给另一家经纪商。我下令将我的股票转给另一家经纪商,但 Exante 的转移程序拖延了很长时间后,他们告诉我,根据他们的内部限制,我不能这样做。我要求他们出示这个内部限制,但他们做不到。我给首席执行官 Exante Aleksei Kirienko、投诉团队、支持团队和个人经理写了一封信,解释说我需要钱为父亲治病,并把所有带诊断的文件都发给了他们。他们建议我将钱转入他们在香港的账户。我在香港开了账户,他们把钱转到了这个住所。之后我试图将钱提现到我的银行账户,但钱还是退回到了我在香港 Exante 的账户上。我要求他们出示 Swift 文件,但他们回答说,他们的银行不能提供 Swift 文件,但这太荒谬了!!!我的钱从账户中消失后,我再次向合规部门和首席执行官 Dmitry Kirienko 写信投诉。我的个人经理 Sergei Krasikov 告诉我,他们再次试图将钱转入我的银行账户。三周后,我的银行账户里没有钱,我的 Exante 账户里也没有钱。我给个人经理发了一封电子邮件,询问我的钱的实际状况,但他没有回复。Exante 每天都在骗我!!!三个月来我都无法取钱!他们只通过个人经理和我交谈,但他没有告诉我真相!我没有收到 Exante 团队的任何官方答复!现在我正在向监管机构写索赔!

Exante 法规/金钱保护

公司 许可证和法规 隔离客户资金 存款补偿基金 负余额保护 返佣 零售客户的最大杠杆
取决于 €20,000 30 : 1
取决于 €20,000 30 : 1

Exante 公司简介

公司名称 Exante
类别 返佣汇商
主要类别 返佣汇商
成立 2011
办公地点 保加利亚, 塞浦路斯, 哈萨克斯坦, 拉脱维亚, 马耳他, 荷兰, 俄罗斯联邦, 乌克兰
支持语言 英语
金融工具 外汇, 股票, 指数, 债券, 金属, 软性大宗商品(咖啡,糖...)
被禁止的国家 美国

Exante 账户类型

交易平台 WebTrader
最低存款额 0
最低交易量 0.001

Exante 网络流量

我们的网页流量数据来源于SimilarWeb,并汇总了与经纪商相关的所有网站的流量数据。自然访问是根据可用数据统计的经纪商未付费的访问量。此数据每月更新一次,可能基于从互联网服务提供商购买的数据、第三方(如公司选择与SimilarWeb分享的Google Analytics)提供的流量指标等。

每月自然访问 111,624 (100%)
自然流量排名 126 在1566 (返佣汇商)之外
每月付费访问 471 (0%)
每月总访问量 112,095
跳出率 31%
每次访问页数 5.78
平均访问时长 00:03:56.6560000